Students recognized for honors at board meeting
December 24, 2024

The Comanche Board of Education met in session on Dec. 10. Board members approved various consent agenda items including the activity fund report, treasurer’s report, and general fund encumbrances.
In other action, board members approved the addition of three extra emergency days as allowed by Policy DEC-R4 Emergency Leave and 70 O.S. § 6-104 for Jacy Dobbins, due to the tornado that damaged her home.
In the monthly superintendent’s report, Superintendent Julie Bills reported that several Comanche students have received outstanding honors this month and represented the district well. Morgan Middick, a Senior, was selected for the Symphonic OMEA all-state band for the second year. On the tuba, Rylan Shelby placed in the top twenty-four and J. D. Hensley advanced to the final round. The speech and drama department has been busy with competitions as well. Kenton Stevens qualified for State and Jackson Schreiner qualified for five events at the state speech contest. Football had a banquet and honored their outstanding players. Most Valuable Player - Colby Shannon, Offense MVP - Rylan White, Defense MVP- Brylan Sweat, Special Teams MVP - Kruz Lile, Indian Fight - Cooper Dobbins and Hollister Pollock, Leadership - Evan Dodd and Clayton Branter, and Big Man Award -Johnny Alvarez.
Bills also updated the board on the status of bond projects. The greenhouse slab is completed, and the erection of the structure will take place at the first of the year.
Bills reported that various district staff members went through the buildings with architect James Kerr, and determined a punch list of minor items required to complete the project. Bills recommended to the architect an upgrade to the resurfacing of walls on both sides of the stage. Furniture has been ordered for the new areas as well. Bills indicated that she is excited to see the construction completed and an area for students to congregate inside away from the weather.
Bills reported that the district was accredited with no deficiencies for the 23-24 school year. Bills also noted that the special education monitoring rated the district at a low risk with a differentiation monitoring result of determination Tier 2 which requires professional development to address three indicators. The teacher survey sent out to teachers from the State Department of Education indicated the following: 69 percent engagement, 78 percent intent to stay, and 93 percent well-being. The leadership team is analyzing the results and ways to improve. Bills also shared that the district has saved $14,847.71 through the Ideal Impact Energy Savings Initiative from June - October.
Bills expressed appreciation to Charlie Gay for his continued volunteer service on the Board of Education. Mr. Gay filed for re-election for his respective position and was unopposed. Gay will continue to hold seat No. 5, which has a five-year term of office ending in 2030.
In a special meeting on Dec. 13 board members approved retention stipends of $600 for full-time support and certified employees. Part-time employees will receive a $300 stipend.
Bills recommended the stipend, stating that the district can afford this due to finance director Terry Davidson’s investment of the district’s funds.
“Higher interest rates allow the district to be able to afford the stipends and absorb the costs associated with no-cost lunches for school employees,” Bills said. “I am pleased that we can do this for our employees while we can afford to do so. We want our staff to know that we appreciate their dedication to the students in our school district.”
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