School bond projects near completion
November 21, 2024

The Comanche Board of Education met in a regular session on Nov.12.
Superintendent Julie Bills reported on the progress of the bond projects. The new music facility / safe room project and the conversion of the old band room to a new common area should be completed early in December. Both areas should be ready for move-in during the Christmas break. The district will host an open house for the community, after completion of the project.
Board members approved various routine consent agenda items, including the calendar year 2025 board meeting schedule and the approval of a resolution calling for the annual school board election. Seat number five, which has a 5-year term of office ending in 2030, is up for election. That seat is currently held by Charlie Gay. The board also approved General, Bond, Co-Op, Building, and Child Nutrition Fund encumbrances.
Bills reported that on Oct. 1 there were 858 students enrolled, which is a decrease of 4 students as compared to the previous year. She also shared the success of the band, FFA, and Unified Sports teams. Bills reported that cross country completed the season with Brilee Combs as a state placer and a member of the Oklahoma Coaches Association All-Star team. Gage Jessen also made the All-Star team, with the boys’ team placing 8th at the state meet.
As the football season has concluded, Bills expressed her appreciation to the coaches who are dedicated to the team and have helped the students grow in strength and stamina. “Even though the team did not make the playoffs,” Bills said, “I am proud of our players and their determination and tenacity. I know that our football program will continue to improve through the development of our younger players in middle school and junior high.”
Bills also announced the Life’s Hope Amazon delivery on Dec. 4. Students will have the opportunity to pick a gift for themselves and one for someone else. Volunteers who would like to help unload the trucks should contact the high school office.
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